Scooterdriver. Kunming, China 2018.

7AM. Chengdu - Kunming, an 18-hour train trip which had me wake up at least 5 times that night. Every time I woke up, I went on through a couple of wagons to see if something new had happen since the last time. This guy with the red socks and red hat finally got his sleep the last time I went by him. China 2018.

Lothepus. Oslo, Norway 2017.

Sandøya, Norge 20190820
Vi besøker Sandøya i Porsgrunn, der Montessoriskolen har gjennomgått en rekke større kriser. I Porsgrunn har det vært en rekke skolenedleggelser de siste årene, og montessoriskolen på Sandøya er en av tre privatskoler innenfor én o

The Norwegian small community school is almost closed down. More and more products of the Norwegian spirit are rising from the ashes: Parent-runned Montessori schools. Lea lives in another part of the council and have to take the ferry back home. On her way, she has been on an apple long in the schools fruit yard. Sandøya, Norway 2019.

G-eazy. Oslo, Norway 2017.

Games at opening for the family festival Midtsommardagar. Norddal, Norway 2019.

A participant at a cosplay event. Kunming, China 2018.

Woman making her family dinner in their house which also has the local grocery store where her husband works. Hemu, China 2018.

This lady were enjoying her cigarette by the beach in Greece’s roaring sun. She pulls the smoke down her lungs and looks up towards the sun. The smoke escapes through her nose as she looks down. An unexpected large wave comes towards her as she just manages to put her cigarette into her mouth again. The towel and her shoes are not that important. Kos (Greece) 2018.

Vestlandet, Stordal. If you're feeling like you really need to do what you need to, just stop by this house which has a toilet in their garden. Stordal, 2018.

Shopping girls in the streets of Perpignan, France 2018.

Møte Nils Sparby, som har uhelbredelig kreft, og vet han ikke har så mange måneder igjen å leve. Foto: Odin Jæger, VG

Nils Sparby has incurable cancer. Doctors says he might have 2-3 months. His only wish is to live long enough to celebrate his girlfriends 70th birthday. Oslo, Norway 2017.

When you win so much that your dad has to step in to do the afterwork for you. Kunming, China 2018.

20190725 - Naxos, Hellas. En 18 år gammel mann fra Norge er arrestert og siktet for drapsforsøk på en annen norsk mann på øya Ios i Hellas. Foto: Odin Jæger, VG

Skateboard boy. Ios, Greece 2018.

After missing a train to Mo i Rana from Bodø, this man chose to take a nap in the three hours he had to wait. Bodø, Norway 2019.

20190821 - Andebu, Vestfold. VGPluss Bjørn Erik "Bernie" Bergan ble lam etter en bilulykke i 2018. Nå har han igjen funnet gleden i motorsport og tilbringer mye tid på Håsken-banen. Foto: Odin Jæger, VG

Bjørn Erik "Bernie" Bergan became paralyzed after a car accident in 2018. Now he has found joy in motor sports and spend a great amount of time in his BMW M5. Andebu, Norway 2019.

07. Klima og Miljø
Flom i Skjåk
Flere biler måtte stå stille da flommen på kort tid oversvømte området rundt Skjåk etter store nedbørsmengder.
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Due to large rainfall, the river Otta became extremely large. The flood destroyed values for many millions NOK. Skjåk, Norway 2018.

07. Klima og Miljø
Flom i Skjåk
Området rundt Skjåk er oversvømt av flom etter store nedbørsmengder. Lars Kurt Hauge, prosjektineniør i Mesta, på inspeksjonsrunde i Skjåk. Her har veien blitt ødelagt av elven. 
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Lars Kurt Hauge, project engineer in Mesta, on inspection round in Skjåk. Here the road has been destroyed by the river. Skjåk, Norway 2018.

Når livet plutselig forandrer seg: Hans Helmer Larsen (72) mistet synet etter å hatt hjerneslag. Her på soverommet som han delte med kona, som tragisk nok døde mens Hans lå i koma etter hjerneslaget.

When life suddenly changes: Hans Helmer Larsen (72) lost his sight after having a stroke. Here in the bedroom he shared with his wife, who tragically died while Hans was in a coma after the stroke. Oslo, Norway 2016.

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